M.S.-Ph.D. Combined Student
- Education
Ph.D. student at POSTECH, Korea, EE (Mar. 2022-Present)
B.S. degree at POSTECH, Korea, EE (Mar. 2017-Feb.2022)
- Research Interest
Electronic Design Automation
- Publication
[1] Won Joon Choi, Myungguk Lee, Junung Choi, Jaeik Cho, Gain Kim, and Byungsub Kim, "An On-chip Low-Cost Averaging Digital Sampling Scope for 80-GS/s Measurement of Wireline Pulse Responses," IEEE Transactions on Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) Systems, Accepted for publication.
[2] Myungguk Lee, Jaeik Cho, Junung Choi, Won Joon Choi, Jiyun Lee, Iksu Jang, Changjae Moon, Gain Kim, and Byungsub Kim, "Compact Single-ended Transceivers Demonstrating Flexible Generation of 1/N-rate Receiver Front-ends for Short-Reach Links," IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I (TCAS-I) : Regular Papers, vol. 71, no. 1, pp. 373-382, Jan. 2024.
[3] Junung Choi, Jaeik Cho, Won Joon Choi, Myungguk Lee, and Byungsub Kim, "A Layout Generator of Latch, Flip-Flops, and Shift Register for High-Speed Links," International SoC Design Conference (ISOCC), Oct. 2022.
- Other Awards
[1] 제 12회 G-star 대학생 창업경진대회 중소기업벤처부장관상, Nov. 2023
[2] 24th Korea Semiconductor Design Competition, Corporate Special Award, Nov. 2023
[3] POLARIS SIF(Semiconductor Innovation Festival) 2022, Grand prize, Jan. 2022