A Layout-to-Generator Conversion Framework with Graphical User Interface for Visual Programming of Analog Layout Generators
- Journal
- IEEE Access
- Year
- 2024
- Link
- https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/10549879 520회 연결
This work was supported in part by Institute of Information and Communications Technology Planning and Evaluation grant funded by the Korea Government (MSIT) (No. 2022-0-01171); (PIM 40%)
in part by BK21 FOUR Project of NRF for the Department of Electrical Engineering, POSTECH; (BK21 10%)
in part by National R&D Program (바이오메디컬 10%)
and Next-generation Intelligence semiconductor R&D Program through the National Research Foundation of Korea(NRF) funded by Korea goverment(MSIT) (CIM 40%)
(2020M3H2A107804521 and RS-2023-00258227).